This progression is about Fractions and Decimals: Representations and.

This Comparing “Almost One Whole” Fractions Card Game is included in my 4th Grade TEKS Fractions Unit and Bundle.Ĥ.3(D) Compare two fractions with different numerators and different denominators and represent the comparison using the symbols >,, =, or <, and justify the conclusions, e.g., by using a visual fraction model. The four-digit benchmark codes are color-coded according to the state-level. I have included one set with a color background and another blackline set if you prefer to print on colored cardstock. That is, first determine whether the fraction is more or less than 1. I initially created a card set to practice a skill with a small group instead of using a worksheet and the lesson was so successful that I made more sets! The other benefit is that I don’t have to run copies for each new group (tutoring, intervention group, etc.l) or every year to practice a needed skill. When ordering fractions, use 0, 1/2, and 1 as benchmarks for comparison. This game works great at a math station, and is also a perfect activity to do with your small group. (Use as whole class instruction or at a center.) You will find here 10 coloring pages, a ppt and a w.

I have included a student recording sheet that you can use for accountability or to take a grade if needed. Give your students an activity to practice comparing benchmark fractions in a fun & relaxing way with creative coloring to help engage them actively so you can attend to other tasks, if needed. Within a very short period of time, nearly all of my students had mastered this skill! The best part is they had so much fun playing they didn’t even realize they were learning! Unlike a worksheet, this game can be used over and over again to reinforce this concept. Choose different pages for your students to practice the specific skills theyre working on.
#Color benchmark fractions how to
what fractional amounts each color represents, or how to write their equation.
#Color benchmark fractions code
This is because the first shape is only sliced. Each of these 10 color by code worksheets features a different skill, such as identifying equivalent fractions, comparing fractions and decimals to benchmark numbers, and adding and subtracting fractions with like or unlike denominators. I can use equivalent fractions and benchmark fractions to solve fractions.

Choose from 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8 fractions. This game makes a great Guided Math Station! Your students will have a great time playing Fraction War with this set of cards while building their fraction number sense. Both shapes have 1 colored part, but the part in the first shape is larger. Description: Turn the United States ablaze in color, then determine what fraction of the states are each color. These fractions are one unit fraction away from 1 whole (7/8, 3/4, 19/20, etc.). This resource includes a Set of 24 Cards that will help your students practice Comparing Fractions that are Almost One Whole.